Kinetic Finance's FAST Bridging LOAN Services

Kinetic Finance’s fast bridging loan services are specialists and highly experienced mediators in the quick bridging loans and investment funding industry. We have a tried and tested panel of specialist funders with an excellent track record in the market. We offer high leverage when it comes to fast bridging finance.

Short-term bridging loans are one of the most preferred loan options to fulfil immediate financial needs. We provide fast bridging loans in 3 days for loans up to £1m. Contact us now to get a free quote.

  • We offer urgent bridging loans up to £1m.
  • Interest rates on bridging loans start at 1.5% pm.
  • Same-day terms
  • Bridging funds are available within 3 to 10 days.
  • Fast and efficient automated or drive-by valuations (on a case-by-case basis)
  • Terms from 3 months to 12 months
  • We provide a fast, friendly, professional service to help you get the money you need at the best available rates.

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Purpose: Secure a property purchase quickly, generate short-term business cash flow from an existing property, fund refurbishments, and use as pre-construction finance.

SECTOR:Commercial Only
CHARGE:1st charge only
FINANCE:£100k to £1m
RATE:From 1.5% per month
APPLICANT:UK and non-UK residents and companies
TENURE:Freehold or leasehold


There are some common factors to consider when you want to get a bridge loan faster.


Typically lenders will want to know your strategy to repay the bridge loan. This could involve the sale of a property or refinancing with a long-term mortgage.

2. Loan-to-Value (LTV) Ratio

Lenders often consider the loan amount in association with the value of the property being used as collateral. A lower LTV ratio means your chances of getting the loan approved are better.

3. Property Value of Collateral

The value and condition of the property used as collateral are important factors. There may be a professional property valuation to determine its current market value.

4. Credit History

Bridge loans are asset-based but lenders may still follow your credit history and financial stability. A strong credit profile can enhance your chances of approval.

5. Experience in Property Investment

Investment Having a successful track record in property investment or development may boost your credibility.

6. Income and Affordability

Your income and overall financial situation can be under scanner as lenders may assess your ability to make interest payments during the term of the bridge loan.

7. Necessary Documents

Lenders will assess the legal aspects of your transaction so having all the necessary documentation in order can speed up the process.

8. Speed of Transaction

Time is a crucial factor when it comes to bridge loans, so lenders may consider how quickly you need the funds and whether they can meet your schedule.

9. Purpose of the Loan

If the purpose of opting for the bridge loan is clear, it can help lenders understand the necessity and feasibility of the loan.

10. Relationship with the Lender

If you have earlier taken a loan or have been in constant touch with the lender, it may positively impact your application.

Do remember that a realistic timescale for a bridging loan is 5-10 days. 

The underlying fact is that the criteria for obtaining a bridge loan in the UK can vary depending on the lender and the specific circumstances of the borrower. 

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Fast Bridging Loans: How Much Can I Borrow?

There is no upper limit on the amount of money you can borrow through bridging. The cap on your borrowing depends on the purpose of the loan, your financial situation, and the lender involved. In some cases, very experienced developers can borrow 100% of their development costs as a bridging loan.

How do I apply for an urgent bridging loan?

For an urgent bridging loan, individuals and organisations need to follow the following criteria.

1. Identify a Bridging Loan Broker

You need to research and identify potential bridging finance brokers that offer bridging loans.

2. Review Eligibility

Check the eligibility criteria of the selected bridging loan brokers to ensure you meet their requirements. This may include your credit history, property value, purpose of loan, and exit strategy.

3. Prepare Documents

Prepare the necessary documents, including proof of identity, property details, and any other documents required by the bridging loan broker. Having all the necessary paperwork ready can expedite the application process.

4. Contact the Bridging Loan Broker

Reach out to the lender with the help of online application forms or phone inquiries to express your interest in applying for a bridging loan.

5. Consultation

Some bridging loan brokers may conduct a consultation round to discuss your financial situation, the need for a loan, and your repayment strategy. This can help the lender understand your needs and provide appropriate guidance.

6. Submit Application

Complete and submit the application form along with the required documents. Some lenders may offer online application portals, while others may require paper documentation.

7. Property Valuation

The lender may arrange for a professional valuation of the property offered as collateral for the loan.

8. Credit History

The bridging finance broker may perform a thorough credit check to assess your creditworthiness. Bridge loans are asset-based but your credit history may be a consideration for bridging finance brokers.

9. Formal Loan Offer

Once your application is approved, the lender will issue a formal loan offer. You need to review the terms and conditions carefully, including interest rates, fees, and the repayment schedule.

10. Finalising Loan Agreement

The legal framework involves finalising the loan agreement, ensuring all legal requirements are met, and completing any necessary documentation. This may involve some legal professionals.

11. Fund Disbursement

Once all legal processes are completed, the loan funds are disbursed. This step involves transferring the agreed loan amount to your account. Please note that the urgency of the loan often depends on how quickly you can provide the necessary documents and required information. Consulting a bridging broker can also be beneficial in circumventing the application process.


Fast Bridging Loan Process

Obtaining a fast bridging loan in the UK involves the application process and following certain steps.

a) Preparation of Documents

Before you start the application process, gather all necessary documents. This includes identity proof, property details, valuation reports, and any other required paperwork. Having everything ready will speed up the process.

b) Research about Bridging Finance Brokers

The most important step is to identify lenders who specialize in fast bridging loans or have a reputation for quick processing. Online lenders and specialized bridging loan providers may offer faster services as compared to traditional banks.

c) Online Application

Many lenders provide online application forms for further queries. Fill out the application accurately and provide all requested information.

d) Quick Initial Discussion

Some bridging finance brokers offer a quick initial consultation to discuss your needs and assess the viability of the loan. This can help you understand what is being offered and whether they can meet your requirements.

e) Quick Valuation

It is a prudent decision to opt for lenders who can conduct a speedy property valuation. Some lenders take the services of in-house surveyors or work with valuation professionals who can speed up the process.

f) Credit Check

While bridge loans are typically asset-based, some bridging loan lenders may still perform a quick credit assessment. Lenders offering fast loans often prioritize efficiency in their credit-check processes.

g) Quick Approval

Bridging loan financers specialize in fast bridging loans and aim for quick approval processes. Some lenders may provide initial approval within some days or even hours, depending on the urgency of the application.

h) Formal Loan Offer

Once the application is approved, the lender will issue a formal loan offer. You need to review the terms and conditions carefully. To fast-track the process, lenders may opt for electronic documents to fasten the process.

i) Legal Procedures

Some lenders have in-house legal teams or established partnerships to streamline legal procedures. This ensures that all necessary documentation is processed fast.

j) Completion and Disbursement

After the legal requirements are met, the loan funds are disbursed swiftly. Some bridging loan brokers can transfer funds within days of the initial application.

k) Respond and Communicate

You need to maintain open communication with the lender throughout the process. Try to respond promptly to any requests for additional information or documentation to avoid delays.


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Why Choose Kinetic Finance for Urgent Bridging Loans?

1. Excellent Track Record

With our knowledge and experience, we can present lending cases to our panel in a format that is most likely to increase your chances of being offered an attractive bridging loan. By following a comprehensive diligent process with each client we make it possible to get approvals efficiently in the UK.

2. Handholding and Adding Value

What’s more, we can add value at every step of the process, with our in-depth knowledge and guidance for getting the bridging loan approved. We recognize that bridging loans are usually complex, so our services ensure that clients are offered the best advice and solutions to their requirements.

3. Nurturing Relationships

We are proud to work with most of our clients on a repeat business basis. This shows our commitment to providing the best services at every step. We believe in building long-term relationships with our clients. So, whatever your level of experience, the size of the project, or the amount of bridging loan you need, we can vouch for an unbelievable, nurturing experience with our team of friendly and helpful experts.

4. Save More with Us

We can help you save money too, as our dedicated team of experts know the pros and cons of urgent bridging loans. Our clients can depend on us for more attractive deals on their borrowings – with our expertise and support at every step.


FRequently asked questions

Identify reputed bridging loan brokers who offer bridging with a history of quick processing. Then gather all necessary documents, such as property details, financial statements, and a clear repayment strategy. Complete the application form and provide accurate information.

Bridging loan brokers have access to a network of lenders, increasing your chances of finding one with quick processing. Brokers also understand the application process, ensuring all necessary documents are in order. They can negotiate on your behalf to secure favourable terms.

Fast bridging loans provide quicker access to capital, allowing you to seize time-constrained opportunities. In property transactions, a fast bridging loan can give you a competitive edge. Also, Fast bridging loans are useful for covering short-term financial gaps until a permanent financing solution is found.

Generally, it can range from a few thousand to millions. The amount you can borrow depends on factors like the value of the property, your exit strategy, and the lender's criteria Bridging loans are designed for short-term needs, typically ranging from 3 to 12 months.